Short Description
A guide to peer review written for early career researchers.
This is a nuts and bolts guide to peer review for early career researchers written by members of the VoYS network. Using a collection of concerns raised by their peers, the VoYS writing team set off to interview scientists, journal editors, grant bodies’ representatives, patient group workers and journalists in the UK and around the world to find out how peer review works, the challenges for peer review and how to get involved.
Tags: peer review
Read more: Peer Review: the nuts and bolts
- Authors:
Markus Helmer, Manuel Schottdorf, Andreas Neef, Demian Battaglia
Short Description
Peer review is the cornerstone of scholarly publishing and it is essential that peer reviewers are appointed on the basis of their expertise alone. However, it is difficult to check for any bias in the peer-review process because the identity of peer reviewers generally remains confidential.
Tags: peer review
scholarly communication
Read more: Research: Gender bias in scholarly peer review