
Authors Reviewers and Publishers : Aren't we in the same POOL?

A framework towards reviewing and publishing

A proposal to change in how research is reviewed, disseminated or assessed. In the field of research,1) accessing research findings, 2) peers reviewing to identify the research has valid verified quality methods and results and 3) publishing in venues which is archives  are the major cycle ever since begun the scientific publishing.

However, as a researcher from developing country,  these 3 steps and specially accessing research articles is a  nightmare.  

What we practically practise is to write to the author and get the paper which takes time, use google scholar or sometime some judgments were based on a abstract, which is dangerous at some occasions since abstract does not reflect what the research intended in the end.    

During the reviewing process, there are many flaws which affect to diverse set of scholars. Some researchers are not native english speakers,  however even their research has a huge contribution to the scientific field, it is likely that the findings will be judged by the language than the scientific value. Some of the reviewing process is non blind, which the reviewers get to see the researchers and I have read many cases of discrimination in the process and experienced it of being a woman and coming from a developing country.    

Based on the personal experience and through observations, I highly envision an open independent framework where researchers provide their papers. There will be many reviewers in the framework in the field which will be reviewing. Authors and reviewers are blind to each other. Each article will be at least reviewed by 5 reviewers. Reviewers are given star rates based on the reviews they have provided. In terms of how helpful, how useful and the any other quality criteria. After each review, set of reviewers should rate the review based on the quality which will impact for a individual review rate which each will carry.So, any conference is not independent of its bias reviewers which most of the time know what their colleagues are researching in the field ( in US situation).    

Each conference organizing committee is independent of the reviewer biasness if they utilize the reviewing pool. This framework is based on an incentive rating mechanism. Where researchers and reviewers at the same time maintain a quality factor. Publishers will be in the framework in order to find suitable articles for their publication.In this case I propose publishers pay a compensation to the reviewers and the authors of the paper. However, everything will be at blind state until the last purchase.  Framework of Author, Reviewer and Publisher pool.


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