
OpenUP high-level expert workshop

The OpenUP high-level expert workshop aims to contribute to the ongoing policy developments and discussions on the future research framework programme and Open Science policy.



OpenUP’s objective is to analyse innovative methods, practices and policies related to peer review and research dissemination and assessment. The project is part of a broader portfolio of Horizon 2020 projects which contribute to open access and open science policies at EU and national levels. As a key activity of the project we are hosting a high-level expert workshop involving MEPs, Commission officials, national policymakers, community leaders, as well as selected service providers, researchers and publishers. The workshop aims to contribute to the ongoing policy developments and discussions on the future research framework programme and its Open Science policy. The invited participants are high-level experts, policy makers, publishers, funders and other key stakeholders in the area of scholarly dissemination.

When & Where

June 28th,2018 in Brussels

Keynote speakers

  • Jean Claude Burgelman (Head of Unit, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission)
  • Julia Reda (Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of the Greens, European Free Alliance)
  • Professor Jean-Pierre Finance (Chair of the Science 2.0/Open Science Experts Group and a member of the Research Policy Working Group at the European University Association)
  • Rebecca Lawrence (Managing Director at F1000, Chair of the Open Science Policy Platform Working Group on Altmetrics).

The workshop will be moderated by Natalia Manola (Managing Director of OpenAIRE & member of the OpenUP consortium).

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