
OpenUP in a nutshell

Discover the OpenUP project through a short animated video!

Open Science and Open Scholarship have revolutionised the way scholarly artefacts are communicated, reviewed and assessed. OpenUP project addresses all key questions that aim to open up the research lifecycle such as: How can researchers communicate their work using innovative methods? What is open peer review? How are Altmetrics produced? 

OpenUP project addresses key aspects and challenges of the currently transforming science landscape and aspires to come up with a cohesive framework for the review-disseminate-assess phases of the research lifecycle that is fit to support and promote Open Science. Discover the OpenUP project through a short animated video! 


OpenUP aspires to bring all key stakeholders into an open dialogue so as to consensually identify and spread the review-disseminate-assess mechanisms fit for the evolving practices in an Open Science context. Explore a) the OpenUP research work b) the validated and proposed mechanisms through a series of pilots involving researchers from four scientific communities c) the completed policy review and guidelines mapping and d) the OpenUP Hub and the review-assess-disseminate toolboxes.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 710722.

You can find more information...

OpenUP website:

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Stay tuned...



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