Final-version commenting
- Function: Collaboratively comment on documents.
NowComment makes it easy to have rich, engaging discussions of online documents, you can sort comments, skim summaries, create assignment, hide comments, reply privately. - Function controlled: Comment, also collaboratively
- Web launch year: 1999
- Link
PubMed Commons
- Function: PubMed Commons enables authors to share opinions and information about scientific publications in PubMed. All authors of publications in PubMed are eligible to become members. They can comment on any publication in PubMed and invite other eligible authors to join.
- Function controlled: Platform for PPPR
- Web launch year: 2013
- Link
- Function: An online platform for post publication peer review. PubPeer Journal Dashboards are built to give Journals specialized tools to keep track of and address comments on their articles. We provide a centralized dashboard with specialized search features and email alerts for everyone on your team.
- Function controlled: Platform for PPPR
- Web launch year: 2012
- Link
- Function: Summmarize, discuss, praise, criticize papers and get your comments voted (in science & philosophy). Reffit is a community micro-review system for science papers. It takes ideas from StackOverflow and Reddit (reputation, stream of posts, tags, comment sorting by voting, followers, anyone can register to write, read even without registration), and tries to focus on building a single-page overview of a paper's good and bad points, from an insider's perspective but in language that anyone could understand enough to evaluate.
- Function controlled: Platform for PPPR
- Web launch year: 2014
- Link