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Dissemination Guidelines for Horizon 2020 Projects

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  The European Commission has published a guide for Horizon 2020 projects on communicating projects.
Full Citation

European Commission (2014). Communicating EU Research and Innovation - A Guide for project participants.


The European Commission has published a guide for Horizon 2020 projects on communicating projects. The website lists the following best practices:

  • Start communication at the outset of the project and continue throughout its entire lifetimePlan communication strategically
  • Plan communication strategicallySet clear communication objectives
  • Set clear communication objectivesAdapt communication to and target audiences beyond the project’s own community
  • Adapt communication to and target audiences beyond the project’s own community
  • Use the right medium and means
  • Set communication to the scale of the project

Persuasive communication can be seen as the theoretical base for these guidelines. They are rooted in the understanding of dissemination as Public Understanding of Science (stage 1 in Beaufourt’s model), with some elements of Public Engagement with Science (PES). The accompanying guide focuses on one-way communication with sporadic mention of engagement strategies and methods.
The checklist in the guide mentions the following steps for successful dissemination:Ensure good management

  1. Ensure good management
    a) Have resources been allocated (time and money)?
    b) Are professional communicators involved?
    c) Is continuity ensured?
  2. Define your goals and objectives
    a) Are there any goals and objectives?
    b) Are your goals and objectives neither too ambitious nor too weak?
  3. Pick your audience
    a) Is your audience well defined?
    b) Does it include all relevant target groups?
  4. Choose your message
    a) Is it news?
    b) Are you connecting to what your audience wants to know?
    c) Are you connecting to your own communication objectives?
  5. Use the right medium and means
    a) Do they reach the audience?
    b) Do they go beyond the obvious?
  6. Evaluate your efforts





Additional Info

  • I am a: Project manager, Policy maker
  • Domain: Scholarly Dissemination
  • Type of resource: Guidelines
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