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Find channels to help broadcast your research to audiences beyond academia, including policy makers, young people, industry and broader society. 



AskforEvidence is a public campaign that helps people request for themselves the evidence behind news stories, marketing claims and policies. People use the hub of resources and expertise to making sense of the evidence they receive.


AcaWiki is like "Wikipedia for academic research" designed to collect summaries and literature reviews of peer-reviewed academic research, and make them available to the general public. Crowdsourced summaries and literature reviews of peer-reviewed research.
Before the abstract

Before the abstract

Before the abstract is a website, that offers authors and potential authors the opportunity to talk about their real-life experiences as researchers, in their own words. It features these personal stories through a mix of podcasts recorded at live events and written submissions.


ECAST is a distributed network of institutions for peer-to-peer public deliberation. It brings together academic research, informal science education, citizen science programs, and non-partisan policy analysis to engage citizens.
Elsevier Atlas

Elsevier Atlas

Atlas is a virtual journal, that selects already published research on topics that hold high societal relevance or address global issues, and summarizes and presents the science in a lay-friendly, story format to reach an as wide as possible global audience. Winning research is presented alongside interviews, expert opinions, multimedia on the Atlas website.


External Diffusion is a web hub specifically built to help authors of scientific publications spread the word about their hard work to a targeted audience, thereby increasing their impact. Your science is presented online in a different way, with engaging visual contents.
Fact Check Central

Fact Check Central

Fact Check Central is an aggregated list of blogs from a selection of fact checking organisations. You can read, search and share fact checking blogs from across the web.


Famelab is the world’s leading science communication competition. Participants have just three minutes to win over the judges and crowd with a scientific talk that excels for its content, clarity and charisma.
Frontiers for Young Minds

Frontiers for Young Minds

Frontiers for Young Minds is a scientific open access journal edited by and for kids. It provides a collection of freely available scientific articles by distinguished scientists that are shaped for younger audiences (children 8-15yr) by the input of their own young peers.


HASTAC is an interdisciplinary community of humanists, artists, social scientists, scientists, and technologists that are changing the way we teach and learn. Members share news, tools, research, insights, pedagogy, methods, and projects.


Hypotheses is an academic blogging platform that hosts several thousand blogs covering all areas of the humanities and social sciences. The texts are in open access. They are not aimed exclusively at specialists and may be of interest to a broad readership.
JSTOR daily

JSTOR daily

JSTOR is an online publication that contextualizes current events with scholarship. JSTOR Daily stories provide background—historical, scientific, literary, political, and otherwise—for understanding today’s often-confusing world.
I Am Scientist

I Am Scientist

I Am Scientist is a free online event where school students meet and interact with scientists. Students challenge the scientists over fast-paced online live CHATs. They ASK the scientists anything they want, and VOTE for their favourite scientist to win a prize.


Kudos is a free platform for explaining your research in plain language, and managing how you communicate around it. It helps researchers explain, enrich and share their publications to increase research impact.


Limn is a scholarly magazine devoted to outlining contemporary problems. Draws material from networks of experts in the social and human sciences. Limn is somewhere between a scholarly journal and an art magazine.
Open Science Showoff

Open Science Showoff

Open Science Showoff is a chaotic open mic night for scientists, science communicators, science teachers, historians and philosophers of science, students, science popularisers and anyone else with something to show off about science.
Pint of Science

Pint of Science

Pint of Science is an annual science festival that brings researchers to your local pub to show you the latest happenings in the world of science. You don't need any prior knowledge, and this is your chance to meet the people responsible for the future of science (and have a pint with them).
Real Scientists

Real Scientists

Real Scientists is a rotational Twitter account featuring scientists, researchers, clinicians, writers, communicators and policy makers talking about their lives and their work. It is about the people who never stopped asking.
Reddit Science

Reddit Science

Reddit Science is the community discussion platform for science. The Reddit Science AMA (Ask Me Anything ) Series is a unique format that allows scientists to speak about their work in a manner that is not possible within the confines of traditional short-form journalism.


Researchblogging.org is an aggregator of science blogs. Bloggers discussing peer-reviewed research can register with the aggregator, and when they mark relevant posts in their blog, these posts appear on the aggregator’s site, allowing one-stop access to research reviews to interested readers.


SciCheck is a new feature of the nonpartisan fact-checking site, that investigates science-based claims in political speech. Focuses exclusively on false and misleading scientific claims that are made by partisans to influence public policy.


SciLogs is a german language blogging network for scientists and science communicators. It provides scientists and lays people with the opportunity to interact in interdisciplinary discussions about science in all its facets.


Scienceseeker is the site intended to provide one central place to list (almost) every science blog active on the web. Over 2,090 blogs and other science news sources have been collected in one place, and you are invited to submit even more.


Scientopia is a collective of people who write about science on blog because they love to do so. It is a community, held together by mutual respect and operated by consensus, in which people can write, educate, discuss, and learn about science and the process of doing science.


Sciworthy is a science news site for the everyday person to better understand science. Crowdsourced and curated short, visual intros to research followed by summary description that's also linked to published research.
Sense about Science

Sense about Science

Sense about Science is an campaigning charity that challenges the misrepresentation of science and evidence in public life. It advocates openness and honesty about research findings, and work.


SocialScienceSpace is an online social network, that contains blog articles from key players in social science. A forum to share discussion. It brings together social scientists to explore, share and shape the big issues in social science.
STM Digest

STM Digest

STM Digest is a website, that contains lay summaries of science papers with societal impact by our early career researchers. It will focus on highlighting Elsevier's published research and exposing it to the broader research community and the general public in a digestible format.
The Conversation

The Conversation

The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public. It is both a media resource, allowing republishing of all articles, and a source of story ideas and new voices to follow up for interview.
The Open Notebook

The Open Notebook

The Open Notebook is a Non-profit organization that provides tools and resources to help science, environmental, and health journalists at all experience levels sharpen their skills. In its Story-Behind-the-Story Interviews, it asks science journalists to deconstruct their working process, from inception to completion.
The Story Collider

The Story Collider

The Story Collider is a platform, that has been bringing true, personal stories about science to life both through our many live shows as well as our weekly podcast. At The Story Collider, you'll hear from scientists about all the times things went wrong, and occasionally right, in their labs.
Three Minute Thesis (3MT)

Three Minute Thesis (3MT)

Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a research communication competition, that challenges research students to present a compelling talk on their thesis and its significance in just three minutes in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.
UA Magazine

UA Magazine

United Academics Magazine is one branch of the United Academics, alongside the UAfoundation and an Open Access Library. UA Magazine delivers news articles, opinion pieces, and long-features on some of the major scientific developments. It covers topics in the field of life sciences, technology, history, social sciences and many others.
Useful Science

Useful Science

Useful Science is a site containing crowdsourced and editorial one-sentence summaries of research articles. Summaries of scientific findings from primary sources for health, productivity, parenting & more.
Voice of Young Science

Voice of Young Science

Voice of Young Science (part of Sense about Science) is a dynamic network of early career researchers committed to playing an active role in public discussions about science. By responding to public misconceptions about science and evidence and engaging with the media.


Wikipedia (& Wikimedia Commons) is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. Anyone with Internet access can write and make changes to Wikipedia articles, except in limited cases where editing is restricted to prevent disruption or vandalism.

Additional Info

  • I am a: Young scholar, Researcher, Project manager, Policy maker, Publisher, Librarian
  • Domain: Scholarly Dissemination
  • Type of resource: Initiatives/Services
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